Rock the LMSW Practice Test 2024 – Elevate Your Social Work Game!

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Question: 1 / 50

In working with a client over time, a social worker should communicate an attitude of

accepting the client unconditionally

Without indicating the letter or number, option A is the correct choice as it aligns with the core principle of social work - acceptance of the client unconditionally. Option B may seem similar, but the inclusion of "positive though conditional regard" suggests that there are expectations or conditions attached to the acceptance, which goes against the unconditional acceptance that social workers should strive for. Option C implies a judgement of the client's behavior, while social workers should remain non-judgmental and focus on helping the client. Option D suggests a more casual and laissez-faire approach, which may not be appropriate for all clients. Therefore, A is the most suitable attitude for social workers to communicate to their clients over time.

acceptance for the client with positive though conditional regard

concern about the client's moral responsibility for his behavior

openness, affection and permissiveness


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